Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Recent Meanderings

Chris and i have been on a tear as of late keeping the road hot. After a trip to central america feel through we ended up in the sunshine state for a few days. We took some pictures and this is the result. 


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

¡Hello Roberts!

Its official! From henceforth I will be a member of the team at Roberts Surfboards. I'm stoked everybody at Roberts are world class humans.
(standard quiver shot)

(^^^^thats a link)


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Boards: The Creation

Surfexpo turned into a late Christmas present for Chris and I.  We both came back with new boards and new experiences and ideas for The Salted Snails for the coming year. When we got back we went Da Vinci on them. 

5'10 x 18 7/8 x 2 1/4
Roberts Modified iLL (I call it the scriLLa model)

5'10 x 18 3/16 x 2 3/8
Roberts MM-16

5'6 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/4
Christenson Ocean Pro 3

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Breaking the Silence

We haven't posted anything in a while. Actually a few months, but our new years resolutions are to ramp it up and blog up a storm. Here is the first photo drop from mine and Chris' adventures at the Surfexpo.